From One Red to Another
Your complexity is best discovered in slow deliberate exposure to my many senses.
First, I carefully release you from the fashion conscious labels that conceal your true beauty.
As the air flows around you it brings warm, rich, and fragrant scents to fill my nostrils.
I watch as you smoothly move about emanating more of your earthy allure with each spin. Your legs beguile me as they seem to defy even gravity.
Then I pull you to my lips for that first tentative kiss.
When you are this close your co-mingled aromas fully enliven my other senses.
As you first touch my lips I am blessed with a warm fullness that encapsulates and courses through me.
When your wetness caresses my tongue I linger to enjoy the moments that seem frozen in time.
You induce me to savor the flavors in the world around me.
A perfect night ends with you pressed to my lips and both of us sharing a piece of chocolate in the company of a woman… who also enjoys red wine. Uncail Ruadh 3/17/2008